Monopoly Go: Best 7 Tips For Players

Monopoly Go might appear to be a game based purely on luck, but under the surface, it involves considerable elements of exploitation and manipulation, making it part strategy game. This guide offers 7 best tips that will instantly enhance your skills in Monopoly Go without any cheating.

Unlock the Community Chest First

When you first start playing Monopoly Go, the Community Chest feature is locked. To unlock the mini-game, you must invite five friends to the game. You can through the three simple ways to add friends: Facebook Friends, Your Contacts, and Invite by Link.

Once you’ve assembled a sufficient group, simply land on the specified Tiles to start banking money. Once you’re happy with the amount accumulated in the Chest, you can open it to collect money and stickers.

Tips for better Jackpot prizes:

Use Dice Multipliers around Community Chest tiles. This lets you put even more money in the bank.
Pick friends with gifts. When you get the Active Friend Bonus, choose avatars with a gift icon next to them. They will give you extra prizes.
Play the mini-game before leaving the game. Make the Daily Jackpot your last quest so you don’t miss out on its daily prize.

Join Discord Channel Of Monopoly Go

You need to have a Discord account to join the official Monopoly Go Discord server. Then, you need to sign into your existing account or create a new one and verify your account with your phone. After you successfully create and verify your account, follow the above link and accept the invite.

Discord giveaways can be quite rewarding. By joining the official server, you’ll have access to free Dice Links and prizes. Additionally, it’s a great place to connect with Sticker traders, enabling you to swap cards and complete your Albums! Of course, the fastest way to complete Albums is to buy cheap Monopoly Go Stickers online. Use code “Mods” for 5% off on U4gm to buy stickers!

Apply the Dice Multiplier Using the 6-7-8 Rule

Multiply Dice when you are six, seven, or eight Tiles away from a target, bet on them by risking extra rolls with Dice Multipliers. This is because 6, 7, and 8 rolls are the most common dice outcomes—with a 25% chance of recurring:

Rolling 8: 2 + 6, 3 + 5, 4 + 4
Rolling 7: 1 + 6, 2 + 5, 3 + 4
Rolling 6: 1 + 5, 2 + 4, 3 + 3

It’s not a 100% guarantee, and you may still find yourself landing on other spaces oftentimes, but anyway that you can push the stakes in your direction is better than leaving it up to luck. Once you have landed on the spot you were hoping to hit or anything beyond that, pay attention to your spaces and adjust your multiplier as expected.

Claim Gift Every 8 Hours

The title had an amazing feature in its in-game shop that used to provide a free gift box to players every eight hours.

Set a reminder to ensure you check back promptly to collect up to four daily reward bundles. These bundles can include Free Dice, Stickers, and Cash.

Delay Constructing Landmarks

Every level in this title comprises five distinct Landmarks, each having six levels with unique appearances. You must construct these Landmarks and upgrade them to their max, Level 6, to complete the board. Other players can destroy your Landmarks throughout the game.

However, rival players may attempt to sabotage your progress by breaking your landmarks. In such instances, players will have to be quick at repairing these damaged landmarks. So gathering enough money to upgrade all Landmarks. Next, build and upgrade as many structures as you can before exiting the game. If cash is tight, focus on upgrading just one Landmark before progressing to the next.

Set Up Your Dice Link Early

No dice, no game. Dice links are a helpful method for collecting this precious currency when you’re not lucky enough—or are too impatient—to win dice organically.

Go to the Friends section to create the dice link. Then, share it with friends who haven’t installed the game and ask them to download it through the very same link. This will give you big rewards ranging from rare Monopoly Go Stickers to hundreds of Dice Rolls.

Select Your Opponents Wisely

The “Friends” tab lets you visit any of your Monopoly Go friends’ cities and attack their buildings. While this sounds exciting, keep in mind that your friend will be notified of the damage and can get revenge in their next Shutdown.

Change your Shutdown target. Retaliate against players who have attacked you or target friends who are without Shields. This strategy allows you to maximize the money you extract from your attempts.