Arch Angel Inarius (What you would consider god) was captured by the Lord of Hate

Arch Angel Inarius (What you would consider god) was captured by the Lord of Hate, and was tortured and imprisoned in Hell. His wings were ripped of, his eyelids cut off, and is forced to stare at infinite projections of himself as an abomination. His current state of being is unknown. Which is why I wrote Diablo 3: Lord of Chaos.Cheap Diablo 3 Gold.

You got it. Anu, the creator or first intelligent being in the universe had aspects about him that are what the prime and lesser evils represent today. What happened was that Anu’s evil side ripped itself loose from Anu and as a cohesive whole was named The dragon Tathamet. They fought endlessly until they both came at each other with an awe inspiring attack and created the heavens and the hells. Diablo 3 Gold. Basically they both falcon punched. Anu’s spine spun upward to create the crystal arch and Tarhamet’s corpse became the burning hells. In the wake of this cataclysmic event the virtues and aspects of Anu were then created. Thus we have characters like Diablo and Tyrael.